Eleanor Johnston and Wayne Fraser are self-published authors of mysteries outside the murder mystery genre. Written in the Canadian Region of Niagara, their books are both informative and entertaining for readers who want to learn and enjoy.

Eleanor Johnston has written a book about a woman who learns to live with Parkinson’s Disease.

This book is of interest to people who

—worry that they themselves might have Parkinson’s

—wonder if someone they know might have Parkinson’s

—struggle with the prospect of being a care-giver

—want to learn how to work with geriatric patients.

It is set in the present-day Region of Niagara, Canada, with a March Break holiday that definitely took the main character’s mind off her troubles for awhile!

Humour, arguments, dancing, a late-winter storm and a dangerous swim at a Caribbean resort.

Find out more at amazon.com or order a book from our store.